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Home > Industries > Chemical Processing > O-ring Material Sourcing Chemical Processing IndustryO-Ring Seal Material SourcingThe chemical process industry is regulated and policed by OSHA. A relatively new regulation, OSHA 1910, has made it a requirement that spare parts and maintenance materials, including o-ring seal elastomers, be appropriate for the application. This places a new burden on plant personnel to learn about and specify the correct elastomers and compounds. An additional burden is placed at the OEM and tier supplier level. Their process equipment and the elastomers used for each authorized replacement o-ring and seal must also be appropriate for the application.It is more important than ever to document the elastomers used and the source where the distributor manufactures or buys the o-ring seal. It is also critical that the specified manufacturer identifies the country of origination for each o-ring seal elastomer and does not source the production to alternate countries using alternate elastomers. If an o-ring seal varies in composition, it is extremely difficult to assure suitability in an application. Chemical process industry maintenance and engineering departments must satisfy the "assurance" clause in OSHA 1910. This requires a new commitment to working with and understanding o-ring seal elastomers. Education on O-ring Seal Material Sourcing:Back To Industries We Serve
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